Vietnam Oct. 2024 Summary

Mission Completed…
We recently concluded our 2024 medical outreach in central Vietnam, completing six days of clinics across three hospital locations within a span of ten days. We had a dedicated team again this year, and everyone worked hard to meet the challenge of adding an extra clinic day to our already busy schedule. Our clinics were held over two days at the medical university hospital in Da Nang, two days at the regional health center in Quang Nam, and another two days at the hospital in Phong Dien.
Our medical teams continued to support Agent Orange victims, unexploded ordnance (UXO) survivors, and families affected by poverty and birth-related disabilities. On this trip, our 14 U.S. volunteers, along with over 80 medical students and staff from Hue and Da Nang medical universities, saw more than 850 patients.
Local support was tremendous again this year. Both Hue and Da Nang medical universities provided at least 15 students per day to assist with translation and educational exchange with our U.S. team. Additionally, we spent half a day at each university, where our team and the universities shared presentations on topics related to Agent Orange, clinical examination techniques, and community outreach. We were also fortunate to have two professional medical translators from Ho Chi Minh City volunteer with us for several days, which greatly enhanced our efforts.
This year, in addition to our follow up support to patients in the coming months, we also delivered $1,500 worth of mobility devices—wheelchairs, adaptive wheelchairs, canes, crutches, and other mobility-support equipment—during our two days in Quang Nam. Our donation of a new dental chair, valued at $1,000, to the hospital in Phong Dien was delivered and installed before our arrival. It was incredibly rewarding to start our first day at both hospitals knowing we had already made a tangible difference with these donations. In addition, we contributed nearly $7,000 in direct support to patients and hospitals, covering costs for medications, staffing, imaging, blood work, and direct patient transportation assistance. All of this was made possible by our teams generous donations and mission fees.
The relationships we’ve established in this region are stronger than ever, as shown by the ongoing support we receive from our local NGO partners, the two medical universities we collaborate with, and the hospitals and staff who welcome us back each year. Since 2019, we’ve felt this growth in support. While challenges arise, both internally and externally, the momentum is undeniable.
We are confident that our focus on serving communities in need aligns our efforts with populations who truly benefit from the care and compassion our clinics provide. Thanks to the deep local support and the commitment and sacrifice of our members, this mission feels sustainable and impactful.
A special thanks to our local NGO partners DAVA, Children of Vietnam, HUEFO, and our in-country coordinator Le Huong for your dedicated work throughout the year.
We are always seeking support in any form to further our mission. Please reach out if your are interested in joining next year or know of anyone who might be interested or use the donate button to support us today
Steve Mason, Vietnam mission team leader
Ed Atwell, M.D., Vietnam mission co-team leader
MOA President, Founder